Faith Formation Commission
Mission Statement: To provide the catechetical processes that will implement the faith formation vision for the parish community of St. Thomas Aquinas. We recognize that the definitive aim of catechesis is to put people not only in touch, but also in communion and intimacy, with Jesus Christ.
There are four central places that we learn about our faith. We learn about our faith in the parish, when we gather for parish-wide learning sessions, celebrations, community events, and so on. We learn about our faith at home, through its daily practice of prayer and service, through conversations and challenges, through watching a video or reading a book. We learn about our faith with our peers, when we gather as adults, youth, or children to intentionally learn more about our faith in age-specific gatherings. And finally, we learn about our faith in the wider community when we engage in larger church events, such as retreats, workshops, or conferences. These four settings work in partnership to nurture and support us as learners. It’s not just one or the other, but all, that enrich and impact our faith journeys. If you would like to join the Faith Formation Commission, please contact the Parish Office 651-459-2131.
Classes meet September through the beginning of May on Wednesday evenings. Teachers are given all the materials they need to lead a small group of students 4yrs old through Confirmation in their faith formation. Helping is a great way to get to know the children, enrich your own faith and give back to our Catholic community.
Sundays from the first weekend after Labor Day through the weekend before Memorial Day at 10:30 Mass. Catechists will lead the children out of the church just before the First Reading during Mass. Children hear the Gospel and then work on a small project to help them remember what they have heard. The Children return just after the Petitions of Faith. Everything is provided and takes place downstairs in Church. Commitment is 1-2 Sundays per month.
VBS is four day Camp held in June from 9am-12pm. Youth from 4yrs old-5th grade are invited to partake in a faith-filled week of learning about Jesus’ love. This camp is packed with activities that engage all students through energetic song and dance, fun science experiments, faith-filled videos, active games, interactive skits, creative snacks, and more! Middle school youth, high school youth, and adults are invited to join us as leaders!
We never stop growing in our faith. Through Spiritual Enrichment, adult education, Bible study, retreat and adult learning circles we have the power to become better disciples of God.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
We welcome new adult members into the Catholic Faith through the process of prayer, study and discussion. This process culminates at the Easter Vigil with the candidate receiving the sacraments needed (Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation).