Liturgical ministry
The Lector ministers at the table of the word. Those who proclaim the Scriptures, are trained in understanding the reading and in methods of bringing that word to the people of God. This is an important ministry because, as the Vatican II document on the Liturgy states, in Paragraph 7, “He (Christ) is present in His word, since it is He Himself who speaks when the Holy Scriptures are read in church.” Those who wish to serve in this ministry may call the parish office at 651-459-2131 to volunteer.
Ushers are also ministers of hospitality who open doors to welcome us and make sure the space is comfortable. They are there to help in cases of emergency or disability. Ushers hand out worship aids, seat the people, take up the offering, and assist with the Communion procession. As we leave church, these ministers of hospitality bid us good-bye and give us the parish bulletin. Ushers are assigned to be part of a team that serves for a certain month. To volunteer to be an usher or greeter, call the parish office at 651-459-2131.
Eucharistic Ministers assist the presider in ministering Holy Communion. We serve God’s people. Assigned ministers come before Mass to prepare the gifts of bread and wine and gather to be prepared for this ministry. Persons who wish to offer their service as a minister of the Eucharist may volunteer by calling the parish office at 651-459-2131. Training will be given and scheduling will be accommodated to each person’s availability.