Reconciliation: What is Reconciliation and why do I need it?
Reconciliation is a Gift and a Celebration of God’s Love and Forgiveness! Pope Francis encourages all of us to celebrate God’s Mercy especially through Reconciliation.
Preparing for First Reconciliation.
First Reconciliation preparation is available for children beginning in 2nd grade. Parents, you may have received First Communion before receiving First Reconciliation (and you may remember Reconciliation being called Confession or Penance). Now First Reconciliation must be received before First Communion, and typically they are both received in 2nd grade. At St. Thomas Aquinas, First Reconciliation is celebrated during the Advent season, and First Communion is received after Easter.
There is no cost for this Sacramental Preparation; however, your child should be receiving formation through a Catholic church, school, or at home.
If your child is beyond 2nd grade, has special needs, or there are unique circumstances that you would like to discuss, we are happy to work with you to find a meaningful way to help your child prepare to receive these sacraments. All are welcome! Questions? Comments? Contact the parish office at 651-459-2131.